Monday, June 13, 2011

{Happy Birthday, Mom}

This past week was my mom's birthday, so this is a bit of a belated post. We took her to Bonefish, which is one of our favorite places (bang bang shrimp & reasonably priced cocktails). Since my mom is only in town for a month or so, my dad covered our alcohol tab, which was a good thing (see above picture), I would have had to take out a loan! Thanks Dad. Anyway, I love my mom so much, she is like my best friend and I don't know what I would do without her. Plus, she looks amazing, I hope I look as good as she does at her age. Love you Mom, hope your birthday was wonderful!



1 comment:

mom said...

thanks honey. I did have a great birthday. I never go out and rake up a bar tap like that. It was really fun being with my two best girls in the world. I wish dad could have been with us. I know he is missing me and I miss him too.
We will have to do Bang Bang one more time before I leave. Thanks for the gift as well as dinner.
Love you.